Test Descriptions Summary

Depending on your school's selections, you could have any of the following tests from MAP® Growth™ or MAP Reading Fluency™.

NOTE: The number of questions listed is an approximation. The actual number varies for each student as the system adapts to the student’s responses. It includes familiarization questions.

Test Type


Available for

Approx. Length/Duration*

Score in Reports

MAP Growth, Grades 2+

MAP Growth

Measure achievement and growth, inform instruction, and assess strategy

Reading, language usage, math (including course-specific material), and science (including course-specific material)

40 to 43 questions; about 45 to 60 min.

RIT score (subject and instructional areas), shown in most reports

Also: Learning Continuum statements and Lexile® score

Spanish MAP Growth

Measure achievement and growth, inform instruction, and assess strategy through a Spanish assessment

(up to grade 12)

40 to 43 questions; about 45 to 60 min.

Same as MAP Growth, with scores included in the same areas as English test scores

(up to grade 8)

40 to 43 questions; about 45 to 60 min.

Same as MAP Growth, except no projected proficiency, school norms, or Lexile score

Scores appear separate from English test scores

See also: Videos for MAP Growth Spanish

Screening Subject-Only

Quickly place incoming students in grades 2 and above (but for more precision, use MAP Growth)

Reading, language, math, and science

19 to 20 questions; about 20 min.

RIT score (subject-level only), shown in these reports:

  • Student Progress, District Summary, Class Profile reports

Also Lexile and Quantile® scores

Spanish Screening Subject-Only

Same as Screening above, but for Spanish-speaking students

Math and reading

19 to 20 questions; about 20 min.

Same as Screening above, except no Lexile score

Accessible Tests

Students needing visual assistance can use tests compatible with screen readers, such as JAWS®. Look for the term “Screen Reader Compatible” at the end of the test name. To learn more, see  Accommodations and Accessibility.

MAP Growth, Grades K–2

MAP Growth K–2

Measure achievement and growth, inform instruction, and assess strategy

Reading and math

43 questions; about 40 min. (but give in two 20-min. sessions)

RIT score (subject and instructional areas), shown in most reports

Also: Learning Continuum statements and Lexile® score

Spanish MAP Growth K–2

Measure achievement and growth, inform instruction, and assess strategy through a Spanish assessment


43 questions; about 40 min. (but give in two 20-min. sessions)

Same as MAP Growth, with scores included in the same areas as English test scores


43 questions; about 40 min. (but give in two 20-min. sessions)

Same as MAP Growth, except no projected proficiency, school norms, or Lexile

Scores appear separate from English test scores

See also MAP Reading Fluency Spanish

Screening for early learners

Assess the foundational skills of new kindergarteners

Reading and math

32 to 34 questions; about 30 min.

Percent correct, shown only in Screening and Skills Checklist reports


Skills Checklist

Get details about a certain skill as a pre- or post-test for a unit you teach

Reading and math

11 to 53 questions; about 8 to 60 min., based on skill

MAP Reading Fluency
MAP Reading Fluency Benchmarking, universal screening, and instructional planning in foundational reading skills and reading fluency. Dyslexia screening and progress monitoring are also available. Reading 20 min.

Dashboard including relative performance, zone of proximal development level, words-correct-per-minute, and the ability to listen and score by hand

Spanish MAP Reading Fluency Benchmarking and instructional planning in foundational Spanish reading skills and Spanish reading fluency. Can be used apart from or in addition to English MAP Reading Fluency. Reading 20 min.
See also MAP Reading Fluency Spanish

*Length and time vary by subject and grade: see NWEA Average Test Durations. Add 10 to 15 minutes for setup and pre-test instructions.

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About test names

Test names follow a convention so you can choose the correct one:

  Test Type Subject and Grades State and Adoption Year of Academic Standard Enhanced Item Selection Algorithm* Version for students with blindness and low-vision*
Examples Growth Math 6+ NY 2017   (Screen Reader Compatible)
Growth Reading K–2 NY 2017    
Screening Science 6–8 NY 2016    
Growth Math 6+ NY 2017 1.1  
Growth Reading K–2 NY 2017 1.1  
Screening Science 6–8 NY 2016 1.1 (with Screen Reader Compatibility)

* Only applicable for some tests.

Note for partners who view MAP Growth information from state assessments: State assessments follow different naming conventions and will not match the conventions outlined in the table above. A sample state test name is “State Growth: Reading 2–5 NE 2021_TB-767-v1".

Sample test questions

To see the kinds of questions students may encounter, use either of the RIT Reference charts: