The District Summary Report will be retired in the summer of 2025. Read more about Legacy Report Retirement.

District Summary Report

District Summary report with both Aggregate by School and Aggregate by District


Summarizes RIT score test results for the current and all historical terms so you can inform district-level decisions and presentations.

Note: All testing must be declared complete for the term.

Applicable Tests MAP Growth, Screening, and MAP Growth K‑2.

Required Roles

Administrator or District Assessment Coordinator

Date Limits

All years prior, for tests completed within your test window range (set under Manage Terms). Also, the Test Window Complete check box must be selected.

Video Overview

Sample District Aggregation

District Summary with Mean RIT, Standard Deviation, and Median columns highlighted

Mean RIT Std Dev (Standard Deviation) Median Goal Performance
Average RIT score of students in this group Indicates academic diversity of a group of students in this instructional area (goal area). The lower the number, the more students are alike. The higher the number, the greater the diversity in this group. Middle RIT score in a group. When three RIT scores, such as 191-199-208, appear on a report, 199 is the median.

Summarizes performance in the instructional areas (goal areas) tested. Data appears only if a student took a MAP Growth test. Screening tests do not provide instructional area data. Note: Instructional area categories may be labeled differently depending on your test version or state assessment.

Bold italic scores = Performance that might be an area of concern, because they are more than 3 RIT points below the overall RIT score.

Bold underline scores = Performance that might be an area of relative strength, because they are more than 3 RIT points above the overall RIT score.

Plain scores = RIT range within 3 RIT points of the overall RIT score.

Example analysis of this sample:
  • For grade 3, this example shows an increase from spring 2014-15 (186.7) to fall 2015-16 (188.8).
  • When we compare the instructional areas:
    • Real and Complex Number Systems is no longer an area of relative strength (underline), and Algebraic Thinking has become an area of relative concern (italic).

Options for Generating a District Summary Report

—Jump to report sample above—

Term: Lists terms for which testing has been declared complete and in which the district has at least one associated growth test event. Defaults to the most recent term that has been declared complete.

Aggregation: Determines the level of data aggregation for the report. Administrators can only order reports that contain data for schools with which they are associated.

  • By District aggregates test event data for all schools in the district. This option is available only to users with the District Assessment Coordinator role in the MAP system.
  • By School aggregates test event data by school.

School: Lists schools in your district you can choose to include in the report. This option is only available with the Aggregation by School option.

Use the following options to format and display report results:

Optional Grouping: Organizes and calculates results by gender, ethnicity, or program. This grouping is coupled with the aggregation chosen in the options above.

Small Group Display:Overrides the report summary default and reports summary data for groups of fewer than ten students with growth test scores. Because summary data for small groups is not statistically reliable, it is typically not included in reports.