Resolving Roster Sync Errors

View Errors

When Clever begins syncing data to MAP Growth, you may encounter errors that cause student, educator, or school records not to sync. If you have records that don't sync from Clever, download the Roster Sync Error Export file. This export file shows a list of all errors from your last Clever sync that prevented data from importing into MAP Growth.

  1. Log in to MAP at
  2. Choose Rostering from the main menu. Then select Import Profiles/Rostering (requires MAP role of Data Administrator).

  3. Select the Automatic Roster button.
  4. In the Errors, Data Not Imported section, select the Export Errors button.

Note: If you do not find the student or educator error in the export, log in to and confirm you are sharing the missing data with NWEA.

The results are delivered in CSV format and packaged in a .zip file. If you have any questions or concerns about resolving these errors, please contact NWEA Partner Support for assistance.

Common Errors

The following are some of the more common errors you may encounter with your sync.

Note: All the fixes provided require an overnight sync between Clever and MAP Growth. After this overnight sync, the error will be resolved and the record will appear.

Student Errors


This error indicates that MAP Growth could not import the student record because doing so would create a duplicate record in MAP Growth. This error does not indicate that a duplicate student record already exists in MAP Growth. Typically, this error is caused when a Student ID in Clever does not match its associated MAP Growth Student ID. If you get this error, try the following steps:

  1. Open the Clever error export file.
  2. Copy the ID value in Column E.
  3. Log in to MAP at
  4. Choose Rostering from the main menu. Then select Manage Students (requires MAP role of Data Administrator, School Assessment Coordinator, or District Proctor).

  5. Paste the Student ID you copied into the Student ID field.
  6. Run a search to confirm that the ID is not in use by another student.
    • If another student is using the ID: Each student must have a unique ID in MAP Growth. Determine which student ID to change and make corrections either in MAP Growth or your Student Information System, as appropriate.
    • If the ID is not in use: Clear your search criteria and search for the student by first and last name. Use the steps in Fix Student Account Profile to update the student’s ID to match the Student ID in Column F.


This error indicates that MAP Growth cannot import the student record because a duplicate profile with the same ID already exists. If you get this error, try the following steps:

  1. Open the Clever error export file.
  2. Copy the ID value in Column E.
  3. Log in to MAP at
  4. Choose Rostering from the main menu. Then select Manage Students (requires MAP role of Data Administrator, School Assessment Coordinator, or District Proctor).
  5. Paste the Student ID you copied into the Student ID field.
  6. Run the search. MAP displays the student profiles that share IDs.
  7. Follow the steps Merge Student Test Data to merge the profiles.


This error indicates that the programs in the “Error Value” column were received from Clever but do not exist in MAP. You must either (A) change the value in the appropriate custom (extension) field in Clever to match the values in MAP Custom Names (the preferred method), or (B) add or rename programs in MAP to match the values in Clever (an accepted alternative method).

  1. Changing the values custom (extension) fields in Clever to match the values in MAP Custom Names:

  2. The preferred method

    1. Open the Clever error export file.

    2. Note the Error Value listed in Column C.

    3. Update the values in the custom (extension) fields in Clever to match the values in MAP Custom Names based on instructions in Syncing Programs to MAP Using Clever .

  3. Adding or renaming programs in MAP to match the values in Clever:

  4. An accepted alternative method

    Note: Programs that already have students assigned to them cannot be renamed.

    1. Open the Clever error export file.

    2. Note the Error Value listed in Column C.

    3. Log in to MAP at

    4. Select Manage Preferences in the header.

    5. Select Modify MAP District (requires MAP role of System Administrator or District Assessment Coordinator).

    6. Scroll to the Programs section. A list of programs showing the NWEA Standard Name and MAP Custom Name appears.

    7. Add or rename values programs in MAP to match the values in Clever based on details in Comparing Your District Names.

    Notes: The MAP Custom Name value is what appears on reports, and it should be unique.


This error indicates that one of the fields requires information before MAP Growth can create a student profile. To resolve this issue, check Column B of the Clever error export file to find the missing field for the student. Once you know what data is missing, check your student information system to confirm the data exists. If you find the data in your student information system, contact Clever support at for help sharing the data with NWEA.

User Errors


This error indicates that MAP Growth could not import the user record because doing so would create a duplicate user record. This error does not indicate that a duplicate user record already exists in MAP Growth. Typically, this error appears when a Clever Instructor ID does not match the associated MAP Growth Educator ID. If you get this error, try the following steps:

  1. Open the Clever error export file.
  2. Copy the ID value in Column E.
  3. Log in to MAP at
  4. Choose Rostering from the main menu. Then select Manage Users (requires MAP role of System Administrator, District Assessment Coordinator, or Data Administrator).

  5. Paste the Instructor ID you copied into the Instructor/Educator ID field.
  6. Run the search and confirm the ID is not in use by another user.
    • If another user is using the ID: Each user must have a unique ID in MAP Growth. Determine which Instructor ID to change and make corrections either in MAP Growth or in your Student Information System, as appropriate.
    • If the ID is not in use: Clear your search criteria and search for the user by first and last name. Use Manage Users to update the user’s ID to match the ID value in Column F.


This error indicates that one of the fields requires information before MAP Growth can create a user profile. To resolve this issue, check Column B of the Clever error export file to find the missing field for the user. Once you know what data is missing, check your student information system to confirm the data exists. If you find the data in your student information system, contact Clever Support at for help sharing the data with NWEA.

School Errors

School Not Importing

School errors do not appear on the Clever error export file. The only way to identify school errors is when you find that no classes are rostered for the entire school. This error likely indicates that the school name imported from Clever is not an exact match to the school’s MAP Custom Name. To resolve this error:

  1. Log in to
  2. From the left navigation menu, select Support Tools, then Data Browser.
  3. Find the school that is not importing and copy the name.
  4. Log in to MAP at
  5. Select Manage Preferences in the header (only available to users with MAP role of System Administrator or District Assessment Coordinator).

  6. Select Modify MAP District.

Note: You need either the System Administrator or District Assessment Coordinator role to see the Manage Preferences menu option.

  1. Select the school that is not importing and choose Edit Name and State Code.
  2. In the Custom Name field, paste the school name you copied from Clever.

Note: Your Clever sync will only match school names based on the MAP Custom Name. You cannot and do not need to modify the NWEA Standard Name.

  1. Click Submit to save your changes.