Import Errors Guidance

During the roster import, you could receive errors at various stages, described in the following sections:

 For video guidance, see the roster import video.

Preview Errors

Preview file format error message stating we have encountered an error with your file

This error indicates a problem in the completed roster file you are attempting to import. Correct the issue and click Start Over.

Possible cause Solution

Wrong CSV (comma delimited) file format

Choose the correct format when you save.

Note: If you are using Excel®, avoid saving your CSV file(s) as a format variation like CSV UTF-8; however, if you are using a program other than Excel (such as Numbers® or Google Sheets™), you may need to save your CSV file(s) using a CSV format variation.

If operating outside the USA: Before saving, you might need to adjust settings so your CSV file uses commas to separate information instead of semicolons. See Alternative: Saving CSV outside United States.

Columns or headings do not match the NWEA template

  • Compare your completed roster with the NWEA roster template*
  • Look for added or missing columns
  • Copy the heading row from the template into your completed roster

Extraneous data

  • Select the range of cells with data; for example, start with cell A2, drag to the last column, then drag down to the last row
  • Copy and paste into a clean copy of the NWEA roster template*

*To download rostering templates, go to the start page and select Rostering> Import Profiles/Rostering from the main menu. From the Import Profiles/Rostering page, select Access NWEA Legacy Rostering to access the Set Up Import screen on the Import Profiles/Rostering page. Under Download Templates, choose the rostering templates to download.

File Format Errors

Series of error messages, from File Format Validated with Errors to File Format Error page

When you encounter these errors, click Review Roster Errors for details. Examine the error list and check your completed roster file.

Error description Solution

XXX cannot be the same for more than one YYY

– or –

ZZZ must be the same for this XXX

Two different people in your roster file mistakenly share an ID, user name, or similar data. For example:

To find the problem in your roster, refer to the Column Name and Row Number shown in the error message. In many cases, multiple errors result from the same issue in your roster file.

Tip: To make the issue easier to find, try filtering to show only the rows that match what appears under Data in Error. For example, with the problem column and row selected, you can right‑click (control‑click on Mac) to choose Filter by Selected Cell’s Value:

Filter menu options


Field cannot be empty


One of the required columns (a “field”) is missing information. Refer to the Column Name and Row Number shown in the error message.

Note: If your organization uses Match on ID for your import process, the Instructor ID field is required in the Additional Users sheet. Match on ID is now the default matching method for new NWEA partners, and it’s required for those who plan to use the common rostering system. It’s also required for NWEA partners who use Automated Rostering with Clever for NWEA.

Date of Birth must be a valid date

(or other errors, such as invalid characters)

Follow the requirements described in row 4 of the roster template. For example, dates must follow the MM/DD/YYYY or MM/DD/YY format. If your dates begin with the year or day, then select all date information and change the number formatting.

Student ID does not match any student ID in the CRF file

If you attempted to import both a roster file and Programs File, then this error might occur from a student ID that appears in the Programs File but not in the standard roster file.

Either add or remove the missing student and make sure your source records are also correct.

Reconcile Errors

Series of error messages, from Data Validated with Errors to Reconcile Errors page

Reconcile errors occur when information in your completed roster doesn’t match records previously imported into the MAP site. To display the errors, click Review Import Summary and then click Reconcile Errors.

You could have multiple errors, as shown under the Errors Remaining column. You access the errors under one of the following categories:

  • School, Ethnic Group, Grade, or Program Errors
  • Instructor or Student Errors
Tip: Before you reconcile errors, you may want to export a list of all errors so that you can make corrections in your student information system or other data source. To export errors, click Return to Error Summary, then click Export Errors.

School, Ethnic Group, Grade, or Program Error Reconciliation

In this situation, names like school or ethnic group do not match between your roster and the settings stored in the MAP site. For example, the same school might be listed as “Foxcroft Elem” in your roster and “Foxcroft Elementary” in MAP preferences.

You see the mismatched name when you click the error link. It is called the ”incoming” name. Refer to the following descriptions of the most common reconciliation options you might see:

Option Recommendation

1: Do not reconcile at this time

You might choose this option to review each error as you decide what action to take. You can either edit the roster file or edit the MAP preferences.

Note: To check or edit MAP preferences, you need either of these MAP roles: System Administrator or District Assessment Coordinator.

2: Replace incoming XX with the following selection

For a quick but temporary fix, you can choose to replace the incoming name with a name from the MAP preferences, assuming the preferences are correct. You will also need to correct your source information.

3: Import users without creating associations

Avoid this option. The import will fail to include the information required for your records to be complete. As a result, teachers or students might be missing from reports.

Instructor or Student Error Reconciliation

In this situation, there could be more than one matching record for a person you are importing. In addition, conflicts can arise when the user name or email address matches someone within the world of all MAP users, even outside your district.

For each error, you will see applicable options. Refer to the following descriptions of the most common options you might see:

Option Recommendation

1: Do not reconcile at this time

You might choose this option to review each error as you decide what action to take. If you make corrections directly in the roster file, then you would cancel and restart the import with the corrected roster file.

2: Update User Name and/or email address in the incoming record

You can use this option if the user name or email in your roster file is wrong. The import will use the new information you enter here instead of what appears in your roster. However, make sure you also correct your roster and source information to permanently fix the issue.

3: Update the following selected [user or student]

If available, you can find and choose the correct match that you want updated. However, having multiple choices may mean there are extra duplicate records for the same person. After the import, you should remove duplicates to prevent confusion. For instructions, see either article:

4: Create a new profile

You can use this option to force the creation of a new profile. Be sure to check that none of the other choices are correct so you don't mistakenly create a duplicate record.

5: Do not import incoming records

Avoid this option. Instead of temporarily skipping an error, this choice removes the instructor or student from your import, ignoring the root conflict.

If you see “Exact match from a merged set exists for student”:

View Merged

In this case, the reconciliation message only shows a link to view a merged student record:

If you determine there is a problem, you might need to edit your roster to match the merged student record. Or, you might choose to unmerge the students. For additional help, see Merge Student Test Data .